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Sirius (SB2)

SB2 - Sirius Class

In SB2 we are always busy!  Sometimes we find school challenging but we work together as a team to ensure we are all happy and successful.  As well as academic skills we also spend a lot of time on personal, social and emotional development in our class and we are fantastic at supporting those around us.  We love being in our own classroom but also enjoy spending time in the other classes with our peers.  We hope you enjoy looking at  pictures of some of the things we do when we are at school and hearing more about what we have learnt as well as what we will be learning. 

Staff and contact details 

In our class the staff are Miss Kirwan, Miss Brown, Mrs Ellerington and Miss Haggath. 

We are all happy to help with your enquiries. If you want to speak to us please email us on, leave a message for us on 01642453451, leave a message in you child's home-school book or speak to one of us at the beginning or end of the day. 

Curriculum Topics

Our topics for this year are:

Autumn term - Towers, Tunnels and Turrets.

Spring term - Land Ahoy

Summer term - Wriggle and Crawl


Throughout these topics your child will develop their knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum.  They will have the opportunity to explore their ideas, develop their creative thinking and increase their knowledge and skills in a range of different contexts.  Their learning will be tailored to meet personal targets and to ensure pupils are correctly supported in line with the Education, Health and Care plans. 

Summer 2 -transition 

We really enjoyed our transition in Summer term as it helped us get to know each other and to become familiar with any staff that were new to us. We spent time building relationships and getting used to the expectations of our new class. 

In maths lessons we focused on our understanding of number and practised our skills through games and various activities. In literacy we spent time focusing on poetry and we thoroughly enjoyed learning a new poem called 'There's a Tiny Caterpillar on a Leaf'. We hope you enjoy our video as we really enjoyed making it. We used this opportunity to develop our fine motor skills, we created collage butterflies and craft caterpillars. 

For our topic work we spent time researching and learning more about Mackenzie Thorpe - a local artist.  We used the work of Mackenzie Thorpe to create our own art work using a range of media.

Autumn Term 

In the first half of the Autumn Term our topic has been Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. We have focused on naming physical features in the environment and identifying these on both the maps that we study and those that we create ourselves. We explored aerial photographs and thought about what they can tell us about the area. We revisited the names of the 4 countries in the United Kingdom and their capital cities, we have then identified key castles on these maps.  We were very interested to find the castles using our ipad and then locate these on our own maps.  In our history lessons we began to learn the names of the different parts of the castle. We also created our own cardboard castles in Design and Technology.  


In Autumn 2 we will be learning about kings and queens from the past and will learn about how to use chronological order.  We will have a special visitor who will help us to develop our historical enquiry skills, through asking questions and looking at artefacts.  We will explore mechanisms for castles and consider where they would be used in castles. 


Our computing focus this term will cover online safety initially followed by teaching and learning on coding and effective searching.  


These are just some of the exciting things we will learn and we look forward to sharing with you more of the fabulous activities we take part in during this term.  

Spring Term 


Our topic for Spring term was Land Ahoy.  Our literacy focused on Captain Snappy Beard and we thought about a day in the life of a pirate.  Our pirate voices were the scariest you will have ever heard! In geography we focused our learning on continents and oceans and we learnt to name this using songs.  We linked this our work on Captain Cook and thought about the journey he made. 

As part of our design technology learning we learnt about where food comes from - which was quite amazing -as well as considering the different food groups that there are. Our art topic saw us thinking about how we can use lines and dots to create texture and image and we developed our own seaside pictures using this as our approach. 

Our maths lessons continued to focus on number and calculation but we also worked very hard on developing our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. This gave us lots to think about! We were ready for our Easter rest when it came. 

Summer Term 

Our topic for the Summer term is Wriggle and Crawl. Our learning will be based around minibeasts.  In science children will learn about plants and then habitats. Our geography will see us exploring seasons and daily weather patterns and we will link this to our knowledge of the rest of the world.  We will continue to develop our creative skills by responding to the natural environment.  We will explore the work of Andy Goldsworthy and use this to develop our own artwork. 

We very much hope the sun shines on us this term so we can do some outdoor learning. 

Phonics and Reading 

In Sirius class we focus on phonics and reading every day.  We take part in a daily phonics and reading lesson and we complete additional phonics to support our development where this is appropriate.  We follow Read Write Ink phonics and read books that link closely to our phonic ability. Virtual codes for practising phonics at home are sent out half termly so please support your child to access these to support the work they are doing in school. 

We also read books for pleasure and enjoy sharing these with our friends and our teachers.  Our 'Favourite Five' are new books that we have in our classroom that we share everyday so that we become familiar and confident with them - they explore many different themes and encourage use to think about our rights and responsibilities. 

Rights Respecting 

Our article this half term is Article 32. Children have the right for protection from doing harmful work.

Governments must protect children from work that is dangerous or might harm their health or education.

As part of learning about this Right, children will think about their aspirations for life and job roles as well as considering how they can ensure they are protected from harmful work and who might be able to help them with this. 


Dates for Sirius Class:


Children in Sirius class have different PE days this half term as they all access lessons that are appropriate to their abilities.  This information has been sent home and any changes will be updated as and when they happen. Please remember to send your child in normal uniform on PE days with appropriate footwear for PE lessons. 


Year 3 and 4 (KS2) also have Kidz Konnect on a Friday so please send your child in warm outdoor clothing. 


Our phonics books and library books will be changed on a Thursday when we visit our school library.  Please can you ensure you send your children with their book bag on this day.