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Leading Parent Partnership Award

Dear families,

We are hoping to achieve the Leading Parent Partnership Award this term. Over the last 2 years we have been providing different opportunities for you to be actively involved in your child’s education and school life in a variety of different ways.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment, involvement and continued support and remind you of what we have achieved together over the last 2 years.


A Welcoming and Friendly School

Together working in partnership we have created a school that is a welcoming and friendly place. Feedback from parents, visitors, children and staff has been overwhelming positive about the welcome they receive. When the Director of Education visited she was blown away by how amazing our children are (not that she needed to tell me that!!!)


Your feedback has told me that you think the office staff are friendly, and supportive and teachers are approachable and available when you want support and/or advice.  Our Facebook page, website, texting/email service and newsletters provide you with a real mixture of information that you enjoy accessing.


One of our aims moving forward is to ensure that we update our Face Book page and website to provide you with dates of school events as early as possible.


Family courses, workshops, drop-ins and support

Over the last 2 years we have increased the number of opportunities and ways parents can engage with school.   For example, we have run workshops focused on phonics, early reading, supporting early interactions with younger children, maths, forest schools, re-wilding the EYFS outside area with seed bombs, Book & Breakfast, and mental health training.  The response to these workshops has been extremely positive and had a real impact on supporting those parents who attended to support their child’s learning or just engage in fun activities as a family.


We run regular termly coffee mornings and drop-in sessions run by Nick and Melissa; from the SEMH team, that have provided parents with opportunities to explore different topics in a safe environment: sleep problems, bed wetting, anxiety, transition, SEND, Mental Health and Wellbeing, and Safeguarding.  Both Nick and Melissa have supported a significant number of families through attendance at social care meetings, support filling out paperwork (secondary school appeals etc.), open door policy for parents struggling with either their own mental health or their child and providing expert advice and support on a number of topics.


The children have had lots of opportunities to be involved in charitable events:  World Book Day, Child in Need, Red Nose Day, Wear Odd Socks Day (anti-bullying), Wear Blue (diabetes).  As families we invited you along to our first family picnic which was the best day every and will now be an annual event every July so get your blankets and sarnies at the ready for this years event which is being held on Thursday 18th July 2024 @ 12pm.  Every year we invite you in to enjoy our family Christmas dinner with your child(ren) which is so well attended we now hold this over two days.


This year we are going to focus on encouraging more involvement of the parents of our older children and Dads, uncles, and grandads!!! Bacon buns and coffee can be used as an incentive!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Induction to our School

This year we introduced a new process for all new starters to our school.  Nick and Melissa go out to the family home to meet the new family and children followed by a parent/carer and child school visit prior to the official start date.  We initially introduced this as a trial, but it has been so well received and successful that this is a keeper.


We have thought carefully about how we can improve that transition for children with additional needs, families with English as additional language and children new to our school during the year and now where required use the services of translators and for our new children with additional needs the SENCO Mrs Burgess also goes on the home visit. We will continue to evaluate our procedures and update our information to suit your needs.


Setting up of a new Parent Teacher Association

I know you are an amazing group of humans who fully support the whole school community but this year you surpassed yourselves.  When we asked for your support to raise money for a reading shed, I hoped we might raise £500 and I would go to B & Q to buy one.  Oh no you had other ideas.  You raised an AMAZING £6500 that enabled us to upgrade our shed to the amazing Reading Hut we have in our secret garden.  Thank you doesn’t even come close you are AMAZING!!!!


This year we are asking for your support in raising money for an outdoor hall/covered area that can be used all year.  We are being ambitious but I know we can do it together.


Because of the level of fundraising you are now doing and the aspirations you have I would like to set up an official PTA so we are on the look out for people interested in making a real difference.  Pop and see me if you are interested!!!!!!


Hopefully we will be successful and achieve the award, but this is not the end but the beginning, we will continue to work together to support you and your children have a happy and positive experience at South Bank Primary school.

Kind regards,

 Tammy Cooper

Miss Cooper

Head Teacher

South Bank Primary School