Parent/Carer Voice
I often communicate with the school in regards to my children especially the one who struggles and finding change hard and the realism of having to apply for secondary place this year is causing her some anxiety. The school work with her to support her
I think Southbank Primary has a great structure in place to promote happiness. I'd suggest they continue with the team they have that promote mental health
If a child isn't happy at school they wont progress. I know my daughters are happy because they want to go to school
The mental health and welfare of the students is great. I know this because my child struggles and they support her through this. The school has a mental health nurse on staff who supports students and staff
Open door policy. I've had to speak to staff about my own struggles and I truly believe they care
There are lots of opportunities for parents to attend workshops, meetings and our views are taken
The school supports children who suffer with mental health, anxiety and put in place strategies to help them. They are forever looking out for children and making sure their mental health is the best it can be
Responses to the Wellbeing Parent Survey 2022