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Halley's Comet (SB1)

Welcome to Halley's Comet Class page.


Meet the team:


Mrs Jones

Mrs Nicholls

Miss Brown

Miss Fionda

Mrs Watson

Miss Robinson

Miss Outlaw

Miss Coverdale

Mrs Forrest


If you need to contact us please email:


Alternatively you can request a call back by contacting the school office on 01642 453451

(please note staff may reply out of teaching hours)

About our class:


Welcome to Halley's Comet, we are a  busy class where learning takes place in lots of different ways. Our focus is on developing the children's skills in communication and interaction, providing the skills they need to be able to communicate their needs and wants. We take a different approach to learning which can involve getting messy or wet but most importantly we have lots of fun. In Halley's Comet we love to sing and move to music and take our learning outdoors no matter what the weather. We take a personalised approach to learning for all of our children, embracing and celebrating their individuality. We aim to build on their interests and making learning as interactive and as enjoyable as we can. 



Outdoor learning:

We spend a lot of time outside exploring the water area, mud kitchen and construction area. We really enjoy our messy play so sending spare clothes in your child's bag is always advisable and wellies if possible.


Early Reading and Writing:

We endeavour to develop the children's interests in early reading by sharing stories, singing songs and nursery rhymes. When the children are ready they will begin to learn phonics through our systematic synthetic phonics programme Read Write Inc. The children will be encouraged to develop their fine motor skills through mark making in a variety of ways which is incorporated in their play.


Early Mathematics:

We introduce the children to counting, shape and early mathematical language, they are encouraged to explore these concepts in their play.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

In Halley's Comet, we focus on simple routines and simple boundaries. We encourage the children to share and develop their turn taking skills.

Bucket Time

Children In Need Cuties

Practising Our Gross Motor Skills

Parent Open Events

Autumn 1


In SB1 we have enjoyed getting to know our children and finding out their likes and dislikes. We have been working on our basic routines, such as, sitting for lunch and snack, washing hands and exploring both our classrooms and outdoor provision.

Autumn 2


Now the children have settled into SB1, the structure of the day will be as follows:



Work & Play, Formal Breakfast, Work & Play, Bucket time, Work & Play, Lunch



Work & Play, Bucket time, Work & Play, Snack time, Work & Play, Story, Home time


We are changing our morning snack time to a more formal breakfast, where the children will be encouraged to sit and share food with each other, developing their social and turn taking skills. Please send your children with spare clothes if possible as our learning does include spending a lot of time outside and getting messy. Work and play sessions will include a phonics and maths focus when appropriate. Our focus for learning this half term will be building and developing the children's communication and interaction skills, with the introduction of bucket time.

Spring Term 


This spring term, SB1 have enjoyed practising our Easter song and making Easter crafts. We have continued to  build and develop the children's communication and interaction skills as we have been learning about colours in Bucket time. We have had fun with lots of sensory play both indoors and outdoors and learning about our focus colours each week. The colours we have investigated are red, blue and yellow, we have explored how mixing colours together can make a new colour.

Summer Term


In SB1, we will as always be enjoying the outdoors and making our learning fun.

Our focus this half-term is: Shape and pattern and our bucket, sensory and craft activities will be linked to this. As always our learning is personalised to meet the needs of our individual children and their interests.

We have introduced the children to visuals and some basic makaton signs to further support their communication and interaction skills. Building the children's attention skills is vital and we will be doing this through the attention autism approach, songs and sensory stories.

Independent and life skills are hugely important so we are encouraging and supporting the children to be able to put on and take off their coats and shoes. We would appreciate if home could support us by encouraging the children to show you their new independent skills.


Key Dates


  • Look out for your invite to attend the parent open event in May, we hope you can join us.
  • 18th July - Summer Family Picnic
  • 18th July - Last day of term