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Our 3 year old nursery

Meet the Team...


Teacher: Mrs Pfupa

Teaching Assistants:

Miss Boocock

Miss Stinton

Mrs Sturdy

Miss Fox

Mrs Evans

Miss Knight






Contact Number: 01642 453451

Please be aware that contact may be outside of teaching hours.

A very warm welcome back to our Nursery children and families. The children have settled back into school brilliantly and we are happy to be back in our lovely learning environment for this Autumn term. We have lots of learning to look forward and as always this is closely linked to the seasons and the changes to our environment, Autumn is one of our favourites and we can't wait to explore! The Second part of the Autumn term is always very busy as we countdown to Christmas so please make a note of some of the dates at the end of the page to put in your diaries.


This is our Nursery class where your children play and learn each day.








Autumn term learning so far...

Group Times

In Nursery we have daily group times where the children  participate in a session with a focus on early reading, phonics and Maths.


During this term the children will be tuning into sounds that they can hear in the environment and musical sounds. The children will play listening games where they have to listen carefully to the sounds that they can hear and identify them.

The children will also be developing their alliteration skills by grouping objects by the same initial letter sound during fun, practical games.



In Maths this term we will be:

  • Numberblocks 1, 2, 3
  • Counting songs using fingers to show how many.
  • Introduce counting in everyday context.  
  • Grouping and comparing
  • identifying 2D shapes

Book Hook

Each week we will explore a new story and revisit the text everyday so that the children get to know the story really well.

This will help with children's language and vocabulary as they build up their breath of stories they have listened to.




School Library


Children are now able to take a library book home each Wednesday/Thursday. This must be returned to school the following Wednesday in order for a new one to be given. Books will only be changed on a Wednesday/Thursday. Please make sure your child brings their named bag for the book to be carried home in.

Story Dough

Children in Nursery will be participating in a brand new and innovative scheme called story dough. The children will be using playdough to create imaginative characters and stories. This will have two key benefits:

1. Developing vocabulary and imagination

2. Developing fine motor control 

We can't wait to get started and will keep you updated on our story dough journey.


Early Words Together

Early Words Together is a new project that Mrs Pfupa will be working on with Nursery children and their families.

It is working together to develop the home learning environment in a fun and cost effective way.

We are currently look for new families to take part so if you would like to join us for the Spring term then please speak to Mrs Pfupa.

The sessions will take place at the Family Hub which is next to our school site and has lots of other wonderful classes and sessions for you to enjoy with your families.

 In the moment...

The majority of our day is spent 'getting busy' this is when the children have the freedom to free flow inside and out, accessing a wide range of areas and quality resources. Adults support and interact with your children through their play and move their learning on 'in the moment.' 

General Information...


Toileting and Toilet Training

Toilets are accessible within our Nursery and 2 year old room. Children that are toilet trained can access these independently.

As parents, you will have the best idea of when your child is ready for toilet training. When the time is right, please come in and talk to us and we can work out a plan together. If a member of staff recognises clear signs of a child being ready, we will speak to you about putting a plan in place. We aim for all children to be toilet trained before moving in to our 3 year old nursery. If you have any concerns about toileting, please come and see us.



There is no requirement to wear the school uniform, however many children do, it is entirely your decision. Please dress your child in comfortable and appropriate clothing as you can appreciate it can get rather messy! We recommend items such as joggers, leggings, t-shirts and sweat shirts. We have access to an outdoor area where we will aim to get out whatever the weather so having some wellies to keep at school will also be a good plan.


For health and safety reasons please ensure children wear stud earrings only for school.



Key Dates:

Friday 22nd November - School closed for PD day

Monday 25th November - School closed for PD day

TBA - Christmas Lunch with parents/Carers

TBA - EYFS Christmas Performance

TBA - Christmas Party

Friday 20th December  - Last day of term