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Our 3 year old nursery

Meet the Team...


Teacher: Mrs Pfupa

Teaching Assistants:

Miss Boocock

Mrs Sturdy

Mrs Aslam

Mrs Howe




Contact Number: 01642 453451

Please be aware that contact may be outside of teaching hours.

Welcome to the Summer term, the dark mornings and nights are behind us and the start of the sunshine is brightening our days already in Nursery. 

During this half term, our theme is 'Fun in the Sun.' This is a broad theme which means we can cover lots of interests such as the park, the seaside, holidays, the farm, gardening -  basically all the lovely things we can do as the weather improves. 


This is our Nursery class where your children play and learn each day.








Spring term Learning

Look back on some of our highlights from last term...

Group Times

In Nursery we have daily group times where the children  participate in a session with a focus on early reading, phonics and Maths.


This term, as we prepare our older Nursery children (N2's) for Reception we are starting Read, Write, Inc Phonics. This is a systematic phonics programme that we use throughout school to teach children how to read.

Our N2 children will now take part in daily phonics sessions where they are introduced to letter sounds and letter formation. Children will begin to blend these sounds together to create three letter words (CVC words)

For example:

m-a-t = mat

s-i-t = sit

p-a-t = pat

h-a-t = hat

c-a-t = cat


Our younger Nursery children (N1'S) will be tuning into sounds, playing games to help them differentiate between sounds that they hear from musical sounds, environmental sounds to animal sounds. 



In Maths this term we will be:

  • Reciting numbers from 0-10
  • Counting up to 5 objects from a larger group
  • Recognising some numerals of personal significance
  • Understanding the concept of adding and takeaway through practical activities, songs and rhymes
  • Beginning to talk about the shapes of every day objects
  • Creating simple repeated patterns e.g. red, back, red, black.




Children love listening to stories in Nursery. Lots of our children can talk about their favourite stories and can often re-tell these stories independently and to their peers. Sharing stories with your child at home is so important. It not only helps develop their communication and language skills but it also builds the foundation for them to become successful readers as they progress through school. 


Children are now able to take a library book home each Wednesday. This must be returned to school the following Wednesday in order for a new one to be given. Books will only be changed on a Wednesday.

Forest School

Children in Nursery participate in Forest School with Miss Cordingley every Monday. The children love being outside, investigating and exploring nature. The children have opportunities to go on nature walks, create natural Art work, plant seasonal flowers and produce along with so much more. The ground is still quite muddy at the moment so having a pair of wellies in school for your child to access would be greatly appreciated.

Book and Breakfast

Our book and breakfast sessions have been a huge success, the children have loved inviting their parents and carers into school to share stories and get a delicious breakfast treat. Watch this space for the next book and breakfast session...

Story Dough

Children in Nursery will be participating in a brand new and innovative scheme called story dough. The children will be using playdough to create imaginative characters and stories. This will have two key benefits:

1. Developing vocabulary and imagination

2. Developing fine motor control 

We can't wait to get started and will keep you updated on our story dough journey.


Early Words Together

Early Words Together is a new project that Mrs Pfupa will be working on with Nursery children and their families.

It is working together to develop the home learning environment in a fun and cost effective way.

Our group for the first part of the Summer term is underway but if you are interested in attending weekly sessions with your child in the second half of the Summer term, please speak to Mrs Pfupa.

The sessions are taking place at the Family Hub which is next to our school site and has lots of other wonderful classes and sessions for you to enjoy with your families.

 In the moment...

The majority of our day is spent 'getting busy' this is when the children have the freedom to free flow inside and out, accessing a wide range of areas and quality resources. Adults support and interact with your children through their play and move their learning on 'in the moment.' 

General Information...


Toileting and Toilet Training

Toilets are accessible within our Nursery and 2 year old room. Children that are toilet trained can access these independently.

As parents, you will have the best idea of when your child is ready for toilet training. When the time is right, please come in and talk to us and we can work out a plan together. If a member of staff recognises clear signs of a child being ready, we will speak to you about putting a plan in place. We aim for all children to be toilet trained before moving in to our 3 year old nursery. If you have any concerns about toileting, please come and see us.



There is no requirement to wear the school uniform, however many children do, it is entirely your decision. Please dress your child in comfortable and appropriate clothing as you can appreciate it can get rather messy! We recommend items such as joggers, leggings, t-shirts and sweat shirts. We have access to an outdoor area where we will aim to get out whatever the weather so having some wellies to keep at school will also be a good plan.


For health and safety reasons please ensure children wear stud earrings only for school.



Key Dates:

Book fair - 17th April

May 15th - Visit from Kirkleatham Owl Centre

Last day of half term - 24th May

Return to school for Summer term 2 - 3rd June

Transition - 8th July

Summer Family Picnic - Thursday 18th July

Last Day of School year  - Thursday 18th July