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Orion (SB2)

Welcome to Orion Class


Our class is a very special class in which we all focus on our own strengths and on developing the skills that we find tricky.  We currently have children in year 3 and year 4 in our class and we work as a team to help and support each other.

We love to learn and enjoy learning in different ways.  Our learning is personalised to ensure that we are all able to access a balanced and exciting curriculum.  


Foundations for Learning:


In our class we spend a lot of time focusing on developing positive behaviours and in turn positive learning behaviours, ensuring that children are ready to learn and have the skills that they need to learn successfully. 


Another of our main focuses is on the development of speech and language skills.  This may involve developing children's confidence with their speech, supporting children to be able to hold two-way converstaions, supporting pupils to improve their speech sound production or a focus on developing pupils understanding and use of vocabulary. 


The development of gross and fine motor skills is also a key focus for our class.  Gross motor skills are the  skills involving large muscle movements, such as independent sitting, crawling, walking, or running. Fine motor skills involve use of smaller muscles, such as grasping, object manipulation, or drawing.  These are vital skills for children to develop in order to become independent in both their life and their education.


In our class we continue to focus on developing the phonics and early reading skills that children need to be successful in life. Children will continue to work on the Read Write Inc programme until they have successfully completed this. Above are links to videos that you can watch with your children to help support with their phonics development. Please check with your child's teacher to ensure you identify the  correct videos for your child. 

Once children are secure in their phonics knowledge and are able to apply this successfully in their reading they will move on to focusing more on the dveelopment of reading fluency and comprehension. 

Children will bring home reading books that are matched to their phonic ability that they can use to practice their skills at home.  In addition to this they will bring home a reading for pleasure books that you can share with them to develop thier passion for reading. 


Learning in Orion Class

Kidz Konnect and PE

In Orion we join our mainstream peers for Kidz Konnect and PE lessons.  


Year 3 children join Sirius class on a Monday for PE and a Tuesday for their outdoor Kidz Konnect programme. 


Year 4 children join Thor class on a Tuesday for their outdoor Kidz Konnect programme and a Thursday for PE. 


We have builts lots of friendships in our linked classes and enjoy spending time completing lots of different activities within a larger group of children.