Bellatrix (Year 4/5)
Welcome to Year 5
Class Teachers : Mrs Bullivant and Mrs Redshaw
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hudson
Class email address:
Year 5 is a very exciting, enjoyable and hard-working time and we are always eager to learn and explore with enthusiasm and curiosity. Being part of Upper Key Stage 2, there is a greater focus on developing independent skills and resilience-building throughout all of the subjects we encounter across the year. There is a real focus upon developing Numeracy and Literacy skills however we balance this with a wide and varied curriculum covering a wide set of knowledge and skills.
Key Information:
- PE is on Monday. Children can come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please make sure they have appropriate clothing and footwear to suit all weathers.
- Kidz Konnekt is on Wednesday. Please come to school in old clothes as most activities take place outside and can be muddy!