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Ariel (SB3)

Welcome to Ariel class

Mrs Nicholls

Miss Watson

Miss Kemp

About our class...

We are a very special class where we all learn to be individuals but also how to work together as a team.  We work hard to overcome all the things that we find difficult and we support each other to develop our confidence, resilience and determination!


We love learning new things and we enjoy the practical side of learning, especially when we can do this in lots of different ways.  We enjoy learning and working together, even though we are all at different stages in our learning. We help and support each other and that helps us all grow together!

Class contact details

The quickest way to get in touch directly with class staff is via the school email address:

Alternatively you can request a call back by contacting the school office on 01642 453451

(please note staff may reply out of teaching hours)

Take a peek at our learning...

Autumn term

Spring term

Upcoming learning in the summer term

In English we will first be looking at diary recounts using a text called 'Raysha in the tower' from this we will continue to develop many of our skills including expanded noun phrases. We will also work on our SPaG skills including apostrophes for omission and adverbials of time, manner and place. Following this we will be working on an explanation text using the Grammarsaurus text 'how does the digestive system work?' which links wonderfully to our summer topic 'burps, bottoms and bile'. 

As always we will continue to use Lexia, Reading plus and Accelerated reader to support our learning in English.


In Maths, we will be:

  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions
  • Time

We will also continue to use TTRS and Freckle to support and consolidate our learning in Maths.


In Science, our topic this half term is ‘The Digestive System'. Children will be able to describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. 


In Design and Technology we will be reviewing knowledge of nutritious food and drink before planning and preparing a meal.


In Music we will listen to and appraise the song 'Blackbird'. We will learn to sing the song and develop our understanding of pulse and pitch. We will also be continuing to learn how to play the Ukulele with Tees Valley Music Service.


In Art we will experiment with different materials before taking a photo of a body part to recreate through drawing whilst applying our knowledge of light and shadowing..


In Computing we will be using Purple Mash to develop our animation and effective searching skills.


In French we will be focusing our learning on 'food'.


In RE we will be discovering what we can learn about symbols and beliefs from visiting religious buildings..


In PE we are going to be developing our throwing and jumping skills. Another focus for the children this half term is rounders. Children will develop skills in throwing, catching, batting and fielding. They will also build on teamwork, communication and coordination skills.


In PSHE the focus for this half term is ‘Relationships'. This explores the celebration of each individual and their rights and responsibilities and understanding of a positive relationship.


In our school we explore our rights across all areas of our school through our learning and social times. We make links in our lessons and explain why or how they relate to a certain right.

We also have a ‘Right of the Half Term’. This is where we dedicate time in our week to explore a specific right in detail.
This half term, our focus is Article 32 – Protection from Harmful Work. We will explore how children have the right to be protected from doing work that is dangerous or bad for their education, health or development. If children work, they have the right to be safe and paid fairly.


We also read books for pleasure and enjoy sharing these with our friends and our teachers.  Our 'Favourite Five' are new books that we have in our classroom that we share everyday so that we become familiar and confident with them - they explore many different themes and encourage use to think about our rights and responsibilities. 

Important information

Children will access PE alongside their mainstream class where appropriate - all children have been provided with a PE kit in school and need to wear suitable footwear on their day
Ariel and Bellatrix - Monday
Zircon - Thursday


Kidz Konnekt will take place every Friday for all children in Ariel, for this session we recommend weather suitable clothing (please note clothes may get muddy so old clothes are best!) Wellies are also advised for wet weather.


Ariel class visit the Library every Thursday and children are welcome to bring their reading for pleasure book to change

Important dates

6th May - Bank Holiday (school will be closed)

13th - 16th May - Year 6 SATs week

Week commencing 20th May - Chris Connaughton, author in residence

22nd May - Year 6 leavers photographs 

24th May - Last day of term


3rd June - Children return for summer 2 term 

13th June - Y5 mental health session

14th June - Y4 mental health session

18th - 20th June - Y6 London visit

Week commencing 8th July - Chris Connaughton, author in residence

12th July - Literacy festival

18th July - Family picnic

18th July - Last day of term!!

Parent engagement session - date to be confirmed