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Thor (Year 4)

Welcome to Y4 Thor

Teachers: Mrs Kelly, Mrs Willans and Mrs Britton 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hudson and Mrs Simpson 

Class email address:

 Contact number: 01642 453451

                      Please be aware staff may contact outside of teaching hours.

Thor class has an exciting year ahead, learning lots of new things and exploring a wide range of topics. In Autumn term we will be learning all about the Roman Empire and it’s impact on Britain today. We will also explore how a sound is created and the journey it takes to the ear. We will also investigate states of matter and discover if temperature affects different materials.

Thor class are a lovely, lively, and enthusiastic group of children who love to learn and share their thoughts and ideas. We will be enjoying written and practical based tasks throughout our year and can’t wait to share our work with you.

Please check our page regularly to see all the wonderful things that we have been doing and share our learning journey with us.









Autumn Term Learning

Our Autumn Learning



Children will continue to build on their existing reading skills by working on their fluency, pace and tone when reading. They will understand how to read in the ‘author’s’ voice and how to use punctuation and natural pauses for emphasis when reading or performing aloud.
They will also develop their comprehension skills by completing retrieval and inference questions as well as learning how to summarise a text and make accurate predictions. They will also expand and broaden their vocabulary through exposure of new words and learning techniques to allow them to discover the meaning of new vocabulary.

The children will explore a range of texts such as narratives, non - chronological reports and poems. 



The children will learn how to identify text types and how to produce writing to suit a variation of writing styles. They will complete research tasks to widen their knowledge and create multiple pieces of effective and exciting writing.
We are also currently developing our spelling, punctuation and grammar skills and do this through learning and understanding the place value of punctuation and grammar. Children learn how to create an independent clause and the importance of a subject and a verb and how to identify different word classes.


This half term, Thor class are developing their skills in order to write a Non Chronological report. They will know how to organise their ideas into paragraphs, using appropriate subheadings. They will also be able to use rhetorical questions, commas for lists and co ordinating conjunctions. 



In year four, we are working towards a times tables test that takes place in the summer term. Therefore, we practice our times tables daily and have a focused times table of the week where we complete various challenges and learn strategies to help us learn and remember them.

This half term we are focusing on place value, four operations using formal method and how to find the perimeter and area of a shape. 



Our topic in science this term is sound and states of matter. We will explore what makes a sound, how sound travels and be able to identify parts of the ear. We will also explore how temperate affects a material. 


Creative Curriculum

Topic: The Roman Empire. We will explore the rise of the Roman Empire, the invasion of Britain, Roman housing, entertainment and food. We will also be designing and creating our own Roman shield! 

Computing – This half term, children will be exploring and expanding their skills on coding by completing a variation of activities. 

PE – The focus for PE this half term is communication and tactics. Children will develop skills in teamwork, communication and coordination skills. Group 1 will also take part in our swimming programme. 

PSHE – The focus for these lessons over this half term is ‘Being Me in My World'. 


We Are A Rights Respecting School

In our school we explore our rights across all areas of our school through our learning and social times. We make links in our lessons and explain why or how they relate to a certain right.

We also have a ‘Right of the Half Term’. This is where we dedicate time in our week to explore a specific right in detail.
This half term, our focus is Article 14 - Freedom of thought and religion. We will be linking this article through our exploration of work for  Black History Month. 

Information and Reminders:
PE lessons take place every Monday. All children have been provided with a school PE kit and will change in to this on their PE day. Please wear appropriate footwear.  



Key Dates:

Change for life workshop - 6th November 

School photos - 8th November 

Children in Need - 15th November 

KS2 Christmas Lunch - 4th December 

Chocolate Raffle (Non school uniform day) - 6th December 

Lower KS2 Christmas Performance - 11th December 

Christmas Jumper Day - 12th December 

Finish for Christmas holidays - 20th December