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At South Bank we are keen to give children the opportunity to learn and develop their skills in a range of different sporting activities. Our P.E. lessons are delivered by our sports coach, Miss McDonald.  By using a dedicated sports coach, we feel we are providing a very high quality of instruction to all ages.

Assessments are completed after every half term by the coach and shared with the class teachers. This allows staff to monitor the progress children are making and the skills they are acquiring.

Additionally, children in KS2 attend swimming lessons at Eston Leisure Centre, taught by qualified swimming instructors.


A new initative we have also started is our Mid day mile. This is to coincide with the extra 30 minutes of exercise children are to complete a week.

Please find below the timetable for your child’s PE. lesson from 25th February 2019.

Monday – Reception and Y2D

Tuesday –  SB1 and Y3J

Wednesday – Y1B and Y3/4HR

Thursday – Y2C and Y5H

Friday – Y6B


SB2 & SB3 are joining their Year groups for PE

PE Kit: Children need a pair of plimsolls or trainers, a pair of  black shorts and a white  T-shirt.  

As the weather is improving PE lessons will now be delivered outside unless it is raining so leggings, joggers or tracksuit bottoms and a long sleeved T-shirt or hoody can be worn. Please make sure children have suitable footwear for outdoor PE.



For swimming, children need a one-piece swimming costume (no bikinis) or swimming shorts (not below the knee) and a towel. Long hair must also be tied up.  All jewellery is to be removed including earrings, a plaster can be brought in from home when children have just had their ears pierced.  After the initial 6 weeks period, ALL earrings have to be removed.

Sports Clubs

Please find below our new timetable for after school clubs for the year 2018-2019

Currently our clubs are as follows:

Monday: KS2 Girls Club

Tuesday: KS2 Cross Country

Wednesday: KS1 Multi Skills

Thursday: KS2 Cricket



Throughout the year, children compete with other schools within Redcar and Eston Schools Sports Partnership. Competitions are run in school time and include a large range of sporting activities.

We also have intra house competitions at the end of each term to complete the topic with a fun tournament competing for points for their house teams.


In the summer term, our children also compete within school at our annual Sports Day.  Children compete to win points for their house teams.  Parents are very welcome to come and support the event, but bring your trainers as there is always a highly competitive parents race!