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Our PSHE / RSE Curriculum


Why do we teach PSHE / RSE?

PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education helps to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes our learners need to manage their lives, now and in the future.  It is a dynamic subject that is reactive to local and national news and can offer support and guidance to our learners to make healthy choices in all aspects of their lives.  Furthermore, a key element of our delivery of PSHE is signposting our leaners to further support and additional opportunities. 


What do we teach?


KS1 and KS2

PSHE in KS1 and KS2 covers a wide range of topics, this includes keeping healthy and staying safe. Cross curricular links with Science, PE and Forest School will allow for further exploration of some issues.  


To complement our PSHE curriculum, our pupils will also be following our Aspirations, Rights Respecting and Cultural Capital curriculums. Pupils complete units of work and provide evidence in areas such as resilience, organisation, leadership, initiative and communication. In each area there are opportunities for independent work, group or paired work and developing research skills. 


Lessons inform learners about the issues that can affect them. This is delivered internally and through external visitors. Areas that we include are; healthy relationships, financial skills, racism, democracy, rule of law, equality and diversity. Assemblies contribute to the PSHE curriculum providing further opportunities for discussion. The work is contributed by whole school events and activities such as the Macmillan Coffee morning and Comic Relief.


Every term all children access Mental Health lessons delivered by our SEMH team as part of our mental health week.



How do we teach It?

Jigsaw PSHE is a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own level. It is taught through weekly sessions with a variety of  whole class teaching, group work, and some independent activities.  Lessons cover a range of activities to involve and engage learners such as drama, role play and E-learning tasks.  When a topic is of a particularly sensitive nature, DSL staff join lessons to offer additional support. 


How do we use assessment in PSHE/RSE?

The nature of our PSHE curriculum requires a flexible and sensitive approach to adapt to what is appropriate to assess.  Knowledge based pre and post learning activities are used at times, and end of term reviews bring together key learning strands for learners to reflect on.  However, the majority of assessment is through appropriate questioning within lessons to ensure misconceptions are addressed, and learners develop their oracy skills alongside their life learning knowledge. 




Autumn 1: Being me in my world 

Autumn 2: Celebrating difference

Spring 1:  Dreams and Goals 

Spring 2:  Healthy Me 

Summer 1: Relationships 

Summer 2: Changing Me


Mental Health Week - every term


The children and staff have worked in partnership with the SEMH team and the pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors to identify areas of need or interest for each year group from Y1 to Y6.  During the Mental Health week the SEMH team and Wellbeing Ambassadors work with each year group delivering multi-sensory sessions.  


Year GroupSession Focus

Session 1:  Introduction - Jilly Jolly Jelly

Session 2:  Anxious feelings

Session 3:  Happy and Sad feelings


Session 1:  Anger

Session 2:  Confidence and Resilience

Session 3:  Transition - Dealing with change


Session 1:  Friends and Friendship difficulties

Session 2:  Emotions and feelings

Session 3:  Self care, help and support


Session 1:  Mental health difficulties and disorders

Session 2:  Anxious feelings and anxiety

Session 3:  Low mood and depression


Session 1:  Social and Communication difficulties and disorders

Session 2:  Attentional difficulties and disorders

Session 3:  Challenging and oppositional emotions/feelings


Session 1:  Resilience, Self Awareness and Self Esteem

Session 2:  Dealing with change and planning for the future

Session 3:  Transition