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Additional Resource Provision - High Needs Base

South Bank Primary Additional Resourced Provision

Many children with additional learning needs can make better, more sustained progress when they attend a mainstream school. South Bank Primary's additional resource provision is part of Redcar and Cleveland’s education provision, providing specialist places for a small number of children and young people with higher levels of complex Special Educational Needs & Disabilities.


We currently have a 40 place provision for children with complex SEND needs. Our children who attend this provision are fully included in school life and are very much seen as integral, important and vital members of our school community.  We are a richer school community due to their uniqueness and feel very privileged that they are South Bank Primary children.


Our provision is able to offer:

  • teaching staff with additional knowledge, skills and expertise in SEND
  • specialist environments which support the learning needs of each pupil
  • systems to track small step progress and wider outcomes
  • lessons in mainstream classes, but with additional specialist resources and teaching
  • to actively involve parents/carers in the review and delivery of the provision
  • to actively involve pupils in the review and delivery of the provision they receive and help them to develop
  • strategies for achieving successful outcomes


How is a child allocated a place?


Pupils allocated a place at an additional resource provision will usually have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) or being going through the assessment process to get one.


Redcar & Cleveland's SEND Panel is the only agency that can allocate a place at our provision. The panel will decide whether a place is the most appropriate way of meeting your child’s needs and which provision is the most suitable, following a formal consultation process with the other provisions.


There are clear criteria for naming these provisions on a pupil’s EHC Plan. It will be clear that the pupil does need more support than a normal mainstream school can offer but does not need a place at a special school and / or parental preference is for placement in a mainstream setting.