Every half term, pupils build up to producing independent writing that is, where possible, of a standard higher than that at which they would regularly work. Very high standards of English are also maintained in all other pieces of English work. High-level oracy skills are showcased through the films on display boards (QR codes), school website and Face Book.
English is celebrated during pride in Friday Celebration Assemblies, where English work is regularly rewarded and pupils are recognised for reading in their own time. Every year the school puts on a Literacy festival where different forms of performance are celebrated. During the festival the pupils work with authors and performance artists to develop their skills. Pupils take pride in all their work and enjoy sharing their successes with adults and other classes.
English lessons regularly include opportunities to recall, recite and perform pieces. Pupils take risks in oracy work, and enjoy the challenge of pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone. Children take appropriate risks daily when discussing a text and giving their own viewpoint as well as when sharing their writing ideas.
English lessons regularly include paired as well as some group work. Peer-editing is a key skill that pupils learn.
The curriculum is designed with our pupils and the South Bank community in mind.
‘It enables children to access and enhance their understanding of their home, their town and the wider community, developing their cultural capital and giving them opportunities and choices about their future and their impact as they progress through their school career and beyond.
This will help them become successful members of modern British society, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities.’