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Prospero (Year 3/4)

Welcome to Prospero class. 

Class Teachers: Mrs Britton and Mrs Willans

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hudson


Contact number: 01642 453451


This year's exciting learning topics are 'Gods and Mortals', 'Our Planet' and 'Potions'.  We will be learning in lots of different ways including practical, collaborative and outdoors and the teachers will make sure learning is accessible for all children.  We will also take part in different educational and sports visits.




Autumn Term Learning

Summer Term


In English we will be writing a biography about an evil villain. We will continue our learning of using verbs and nouns as part of a sentence and we will focus on using expanded noun phrases. We will continue to use coordinating conjunctions when we write sentences: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. We will also be making our own potions in DT and then writing instructions on how to create a witches' spell. We will continue our focus on learning to spell common exception words for Year 3 and Year 4.


In Maths, Year 3 children will be learning to:

  • Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit
  • Divide 2 digits by 1 digit
  • Problem solve
  • Measure in mm, cm and m
  • Compare lengths
  • Add and subtract lengths
  • Measure and calculate perimeter


In Maths, Year 4 children will be learning to:

  • Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit
  • Multiply 3 digits by 1 digit
  • Identify factor pairs
  • Multiply and divide by 10 and 100
  • Calculate and compare area
  • Measure in m and km 
  • Measure and calculate perimeter of shapes


In Science, Year 3 children will be learning about plants. We will grow our own plants from a seed, learn about the different parts of a plant, how plants transport water and how plants reproduce. In Year 4 children will learn about electricity. We will create simple circuits, learn how switches affect circuits and we will investigate conductors and insulators. 


In Music we will continue to learn how to play the recorder. We are very excited that we are able to continue learning Music with the support of Tees Valley Music Service. 


In PE we will be learning how to play Rounders. We will build upon skills such as; accuracy and distance, throwing and jumping. 


In History we will be learning about the Roman Empire. We will be participating in a Roman Remains workshop at Hartlepool Museum and this will help us to understand how early Rome grew to become the Roman Empire and the effect which this had on Britain. We will also learn what life was like in North East England during Roman times. 


In Computing we will learn how email works. We will practise writing our own emails and why this is important within the modern world. 


In French we will learn about transport in France and how the French language can have some similarities to English. We will also build upon our knowledge of counting in French and French classroom objects. 


In RE we will be learning about why holy books are important and how and why Christians use the bible. We will also look at what we can learn about symbols and beliefs when visiting religious buildings. 


In PSHE we will focus on relationships. We will look at family roles and responsibilities, friendships, keeping ourselves safe online - linked to Computing - and being a global citizen. 


We are a Rights Respecting School. This half term our focus are Articles 32 and 35 - Protection from harmful work and prevention of sale and trafficking. 




Information and reminders


Wednesday - Kidz Konnekt outdoor learning lessons. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing for learning outside.

Thursday - Library session. We will be changing our books on a Thursday so your child will need their book bag.

Friday - PE lessons. Children do not need to wear PE kit to come to school but they need to wear suitable shoes.

Key dates


  • Class trip to Hartlepool Museum - 17th April
  • Book Fair - 17th-22nd April 
  • Carlton for Y4 - 1st-3rd May
  • Parental engagement session - 9th May 
  • May bank holiday - 6th May
  • May half term - 27th-31st May