Peake (Reception)
Welcome to Peake Class
Meet the team:
Class Teacher: Miss Innes
Teaching Assistant:
Mrs Howe
Contact Number: 01642 453451
Autumn term in Peake Class.
What a busy and exciting start to the year we have had, it is true what they say time flies when you are having fun. Children are settling in well to Reception.
We can't wait to see the progress the children make this term.
Thank you as always for your continued support.
This term we will be learning to write our names independently. We will be focusing on letter formation each day in preparation for the writing journey. Children are using Fred talk to orally blend simple words.
We teach daily phonics lessons and children will be assessed regularly to ensure they are accessing the group which meets their needs the best. Please remember book bags so that phonics and library books can be sent home with your child every Monday.
Drawing Club
Drawing Club aims to enrich language skills, develop fine motor and bring the world of story to life. Drawing Club is a true adventure, it involves a short period of time together as a whole class followed by time with children exploring their ideas and creativity based on a different text each week.
This term we will be exploring numbers to 5. This unit focuses on children’s ability to recognise, represent and manipulate numbers to 5. Children begin by counting groups of objects up to 3, then 4, before looking at 5. Children will learn to recognise and count different representations of numbers up to 5 and use a five frame to help structure the counting and reasoning. Children will then move onto comparing numbers within 5, they will
compare two groups of objects and correctly identify which has more, fewer or whether they have the same amount, using matching, representing and subitising strategies.
Physical Development
This half term we will be focusing on getting undressed and dressed for PE independently. Children will be encouraged to put on their own socks and shoes and keep their items together in order to prevent clothing being lost. We are covering the topic 'Walking", this teaches children how to find a space, move safely and in a range of ways. Children will develop an understanding of spacial awareness which is essential for future topics in PE.
Rights Respecting School
As a school we link everything we do to RRS. Children in all year groups explore the 43 rights of the child. We discuss these rights in an age appropriate manner.
Forest School
Children in our Early Years have the exciting opportunity to learn in the great outdoors, whatever the weather to explore the natural environment. Forest School is delivered by a fully trained member of our team who plans and delivers a learning programme that focuses on holistic development and growth in children. During their time at Forest School, with support from our Forest School leader children build problem-solving skills, confidence, independence and resilience as they are allowed to test their limits in the natural world.
Parental Engagement
Please keep an eye out for our parent 'Book & Breakfast' session. It was a huge success last year and we thank you so much for your engagement and support. The children were thrilled to have you in the classroom sharing their favourite books with you.
- PE - Friday (PE kits provided by school but please ensure ALL uniform is labelled to make this easier)
- Forest School - Thursday & Friday
- Book change - Monday
Important Dates:
- Book Fair- TBC
- Summer Forest School session with parents - TBC
- Transition - TBC
- Literacy Festival -TBC
- Summer family picnic - TBC
- Last day of school year - TBC
Useful websites
Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics - Oxford Owl
Information for parents – Birth To 5 Matters
What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS (