Zircon (Year 5)
Welcome to Zircon!
Miss Kirwan
Teaching Assistant: Miss Boggett
Email: rspzircon@southbankprimary.co.uk
Contact number: 01642 453451
Please be aware that contact may be made outside of teaching hours.
About our class…
Welcome to Zircon class page where we will share all our wonderful learning and achievements with you. Throughout Year 5, we will cover a wide range of exciting topics.
In the autumn term, we will explore space and look at features of The River Tees.
In spring, we will delve into the past and research all about the Anlgo-Saxons and make sculptures inspired by different artists.
Finally in the summer term, we will compare our local region with a region in America and research the ancient Maya civilisation.
Our Learning...
Below is a snapshot of some of the learning Zircon have completed during year 5 so far.
Spring Learning:
English -
This term, we will begin by writing our own setting description based on a spooky cottage in the woods. We will also write our own set of instructions, a diary entry, speech between two characters and a narrative. In addition to this we will continue to work on improving our handwriting.
Throughout the year we will continue to use Reading plus to develop and support our reading and fluency skills. We will also be encouraging our children to 'read for pleasure' and to support this we will have a weekly session in the school library for children to explore a variety of different texts and choose a book to take home to share, remember to bring your book back to school to change each week.
Maths -
This term we will continue to develop our multiplication and division skills. Work with fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also be looking at reading and interpreting graphs.
Throughout the year, children will use Times Table Rockstar's to continue to develop their times table knowledge. Children would greatly benefit if they continue to practice their times tables at home. Please speak to Miss Kirwan if you require a log in card for your child to access Times Table Rockstar's at home.
Science - This term, children will learn about forces and carry out numerous experiments to test their theories.
PE - This term, we will be working with a dance teacher and will be focusing on the theme 'Circus'.
History - We will be exploring Anglo-Saxons and how England changed during the settlement of the Anglo-Saxons.
Geography - We will be exploring features of a river and carry out fieldwork on our local river - The River Tees. We will also be looking at what trees, plants and animals are in our local ecosystem.
Music - In music, we will continue to practice our ukulele skills and focus on one song: Make you feel my love by Adele.
Art - In art, we will look at monochromatic art and try to identify our own style of drawing.
French - We will continue to develop our French skills as we understand how to say numbers to 50, colours, dates, emotions and name different parts of the body.
Computing - We will continue to use purple mash to support our learning, focusing this term on 3-D modelling, word processing and external devices.
PSHE - During PSHE the children will look at their dreams and goals.
RE - In RE, we will look at pilgrimages and explore why certain places are special to certain religions.
Rights Respecting School
We are currently on our journey towards achieving the Gold Rights Respecting Award. We explore our rights across all areas of our learning. This term we will focus on Article 3 - Best interests of the child.
Information and reminders:
- PE will take place on a Wednesday. Children are now provided with their own PE kit but can children please ensure they attend school in appropriate footwear on PE days.
- Children must wear their school uniform everyday and have a suitable coat for outdoor play. Please ensure you write your child's name inside their uniform, including coats and jumpers.
- Our weekly library slot is Friday, were children will get the chance to change their reading book. Please can children remember to bring their books back to school and bring a book bag.
Key Dates:
- 6th January - start of spring term
- 17th January - world religion day
- 3rd, 4th and 5th February - Parents evening
- 7th February - Mental Health session
- 12th February - Girls football competition
- 13th February - Boys football competition
- 21st February - Last day of half term