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Luna (SB2)

Welcome to Luna


Teacher: Mrs Jones

Teaching Assistants: Miss Coverdale, Miss Fionda, Miss Tate, Mrs Watson, Miss Morris,

Miss Holmes



Contact Number: 01642 453451

Please be aware that contact may be made outside of teaching hours.


Welcome to Luna, we are a busy class where learning takes place in a myriad of ways. Our focus is on developing the children's skills in communication, attention and interaction, providing the skills they need to be able to communicate their needs and wants. We follow a semi-formal curriculum which enables us to personalise our approach to learning for all of our children, embracing and celebrating their individuality. This includes exploring a sensory approach to learning which often means we get messy and wet but most importantly we have lots of fun while learning. In Luna we love to take our learning outdoors no matter what the weather and we particularly enjoy our forest school sessions. We build on the children's interests and utilise these opportunities to ensure learning is as interactive, attention building and as enjoyable as it can be. 


In Luna class, we follow a semi-formal equals curriculum:


My Communication – we offer opportunities which provide children the motivation, the means and adults/peers to communicate with.


My Play and Leisure  the children are provided with learning opportunities which encompass the following; encountering, exploring, curiosity, taking risks, imagination, listening and communicating, friendship


My Independence – we aim for the highest level of independence a learner can achieve, through learning processes, skills based activities and opportunities


My Thinking and Problem Solving – we offer the children opportunities and activities to enhance their cognition, problem solving, metacognition skills


My Outdoor School – we promote independence, self-esteem, self-confidence, resilience, communication and team-building


Early Reading and Writing:

We endeavour to develop the children's interests in early reading by sharing stories, singing songs and nursery rhymes. All children are exposed to phonics and when they are ready, they will begin to learn phonics through our systematic synthetic phonics programme Read Write Inc tailored to the individual learner. The children will be encouraged to develop their fine motor skills through mark making in a variety of ways which is incorporated in their play, phonics sessions or adult-led activities.


Early Mathematics:

We expose the children to counting, shape and early mathematical language and they are encouraged to explore these concepts in their play, through number songs and adult-led activities.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

In Luna, we focus on routines and boundaries. We encourage the children to share, develop their turn taking and independent skills.

Autumn Term

This term, the theme in Luna class is 'Colours, Colours, Everywhere', the children will be exploring colour, we will investigate primary colours and how mixing them together makes a secondary colour. The children will experience mark making using a selection of media and tools. Luna class will also be experiencing both 2D and 3D shapes and using these shapes to print patterns and mark make. We will also being learning that our body parts have names, to support this the children will be learning the actions to 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'.

Spring Term

Our theme this term is New Life Springing, New Life Beginning and the children will be learning what animals and plants are. We will be exploring rhythm in our music time and how we can make rhythms using anything around us. As always we will be building on our communication skills using objects of reference, visuals and choice boards. The children are developing their independent skills by learning to put on and fasten their own coats and recognise their coat hook and hang up their own coat. We look forward to more time outside as the weather slowly improves and we are very excited about moving in to our new classroom.

Attention Autism:

In Luna, we enjoy a daily Attention Autism session this approach has four stages and we are working towards being able to participate in all the stages. Attention Autism is an amazing teaching tool that can be utilised to expose the children to many different concepts.

Stage 1 - the aim is to build focus on a short adult directed activity.

Stage 2 - the aim of this stage is to be able to shift and sustain attention, and show emerging skills in anticipation.

Stage 3 - the aim of this stage is to teach the children to shift their attention as they and others take turns.

Stage 4 - the aim of this stage is to teach the children how to shift and refocus their attention for an individual activity and then back to a group activity.


Our Attention Autism sessions are our favourite part of the day as we get messy and have lots of fun!

Important Information and Reminders:

  • Please ensure you write your child's name inside their uniform, including coats and jumpers. 
  • Our learning takes us outside every day so please send children to school with appropriate outdoor clothing for the season, wellies are always appreciated.
  • Please provide your children with a change of clothes as we often get wet or messy when exploring.
  • If appropriate please provide your child with spare nappies, wipes and nappy bags.

Key Dates:

  • School Photo - 8th November

  • Children in Need - 15th November

  • PD Days - 22nd November and 25th November

  • Reindeer Run - 2nd December

  • Christmas Jumper Day - 12th December

  • Christmas Fair - 18th December

  • Last day of term and Christmas parties - 20th December