Galileo (Year 1)
Welcome to Year 1!
Teacher: Mrs Lawrenson
Teaching Assistant: Miss Silk
Contact Number: 01642 453451
Please be aware that contact may be made outside of teaching hours.
Galileo - Class of 24/25
Our Learning Journey
We have an exciting term ahead of us based on the topic 'Memory Box'. The children in our class love to learn and we make sure that our learning is done in lots of different ways so that everyone is able to access it at an appropriate level. Your child will take part in many exciting opportunities related to their learning including educational visits, internal visitors and learning outdoors.
Our Learning
In KS1 there is a focus on Phonics and application of this within their Reading and Writing. The children will be continuing to develop their phonic knowledge through our Phonics scheme ‘Read, Write Inc’. The children are assessed and grouped half termly to closely focus on their current Phonic understanding. Each child is then grouped accordingly and receive bespoke Phonic teaching to their level. Phonics will be taught daily and will help your child to recognise sounds, segment and blend words within reading and write unfamiliar words. Children will then read books linked to their phonic knowledge in order to build fluency and participate in discussions on what they have read.
This term the children are working through the Grammarsaurus Programme, Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar (PVPG). This enables the children to understand what is required to build a sentence before moving on to independent writing.
Year 1- Throughout the Autumn term, Year 1 children will focus on Numbers to 10. This will include identifying one more and one less, representing these numbers within a part whole model, solving addition and subtraction problems and deepening their understanding of number bonds to 10. Later in the term, we will explore 2 and 3D shapes.
To make sure the children constantly revisit prior learning they have a 5 minute task each day (Daily 5) where they answer questions independently on areas that they have already been taught. These are marked and any corrections required are undertaken on a 1 to 1 basis.
In Year 1 we are also learning to tell the time on an analogue clock to the hour and half past.
Year 1- This term the children will look at the Science topic 'Animals including Humans'. They will learn about different animal groups such mammals and reptiles and the habitats they live in whilst also learning food groupings such as herbivores and omnivores before moving on to the human body. We will then move on to the topic of 'Seasonal Changes' and learn all about the seasons and their weather changes. Throughout these topics, the children will be encouraged to think scientifically and will participate in a range of scientific enquiry activities.
Creative Curriculum
Art - Sculpture. Children will study different sculptors and discover why they sculpt.
DT - Design and make London Houses.
Geography - Where in the world do I live? The children will learn about their local area including human and physical features. They will then learn about our country and its capital cities whilst also learning the names of the continents and oceans.
History - How have toys changes over the last 60 years? We will look at the differences in toys from the past in comparison to now. The children will have the chance to play with some toys from the past.
PE - Locomotion (Running and Jumping) and Dance (Heroes).
Music - Charanga and Tees Valley Music. Children are taking part in music session from Tees Valley. They are learning different languages through music and how to understand the 'beat'. We are also using Charanga to learn rhythm and beat through Hey You and rhythm in the way we walk and banana rap.
Jigsaw - Being me in my world. We will look at: Celebrating difference, Dreams and goals, Healthy me, Relationships and Changing me.
RE - Why are gifts given at Christmas?
Computing - The children will participate in their Computing learning through the scheme 'Purple Mash'. They will focus on Online safety, Grouping and sorting and Pictograms.
Rights Respecting - Article 28 (Access to Education) and Article 14 (Freedom of thought and Religion).
Rights Respecting School
We are on our journey towards achieving the Gold Rights Respecting Award. This half term our focus is Article 28 (Access to Education) and Article 14 (Freedom of though and religion).
Home Learning
Reading regularly greatly expands a child's vocabulary and knowledge and therefore we ask that you read often with your child at home.
Children are encourage to use the apps we use in school, at home, to support their learning and development.
- Numbots
- TTRockstars
- Ruth Miskin- Virtual Classroom
- Purple Mash
Children will also bring home a Phonics Reading Book and a Reading for Pleasure book. The Read Write Inc book will be matched to their Phonic ability and should be reread to build up fluency. Reading Books will be changed on a Friday. Please ensure you write the date on your child's Reading Record as this is when the books will be changed.
If you require log in details or any further information please contact the class email address and these will be forwarded on.
Important Information
- PE will take place on a Thursday. School have provided each child with their own indoor and outdoor PE kit which will be kept in school. PE kits are washed in school on a regular basis. Please ensure your child wears footwear that is appropriate for PE and that socks are provided for them.
- Reading Books will be changed on a Friday. Please ensure your child brings their book bag to school with their Phonics Reading Book and their Reading for Pleasure book inside. The RWI book will be matched to their Phonic ability and should be reread to build up fluency. Please ensure you write the date on your child's Reading Record as this is when the books will be changed. Please note that book bags only need to be brought in on a Friday.
- Children must wear their school uniform everyday and have a suitable coat for outdoor play. Please ensure you write your child's name inside their uniform, including coats and jumpers.
Dates for your diary
- Thursday 7th November - Dance Festival at Eston Leisure Centre
- Thursday 28th November - Toy Sale
- Friday 6th December - Chocolate Raffle and Non-uniform day
- Thursday 12th December - Christmas Jumper Day
- Thursday 19th December - Christmas Chocolate Raffle