Prospero (Year 3)
Welcome to Year 3!
Teacher: Mr Parkin and Mrs Singh
Teaching Assistant: Mrs King and Mrs Simpson
Contact number: 01642 453451
Please be aware that contact may be made outside of teaching hours.
We have an exciting year ahead of us with some great topics to catch the children's interest! Your child's love of learning is going to grow over the year and they will take part in a variety of exciting learning opportunities, including: educational visits, internal visitors and learning outdoors.
Autumn Term Learning
Autumn learning
In English we will be looking at the place value of Punctuation and Grammar. In this unit we will be building on our knowledge from Year 2 and adding to it to create more complex sentences with added detail. Following this, we will be looking at the features of a non-chronological report so that we can write our own all about prehistoric creatures.
In Maths, we will be looking at:
- Place value within 1,000
- Addition and subtraction – mental and written methods
- Multiplication and division – mental and written methods
In Science, the children will be learning all about rocks. We will be looking at categorising them, learning about sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks, the layers of the earth, fossils and the different layers of soil.
In Music we will listen to and appraise a song called 'Let your spirit fly'. We will learn to sing the song and play tuned percussion instruments along to the music. We will develop our understanding of pulse and pitch. We will also be continuing to learn how to play the recorder with Tees Valley Music Service.
In Geography we will be learning all about Key geographical features of the UK and our local area.
In Computing we will be learning about internet safety. The children will be learning about staying safe online, how to keep passwords safe and how to decide if a website is trustworthy. They will then move on to learning about coding. In this unit we will be learning the skills needed to create an interactive scene.
In French we will learn all about French greetings. They will learn how to have a basic conversation in French.
In RE we will be exploring what Hindus believe about God, how and why do Hindus worship at home and in the Mandir, and why Advent is important to Christians.
In PE we are going to be developing our gymnastic skills. We will be looking at symmetrical and asymmetrical balances and how to put them together in to a sequence of movements.
In our school we explore our rights across all areas of our school through our learning and social times. We make links in our lessons and explain why or how they relate to a certain right.
We also have a ‘Right of the Half Term’. This is where we dedicate time in our week to explore a specific right in detail.
This half term, our focus is Article 28 – The right to access to education. We will explore how children have the right to have access to an education. We will also be exploring what a quality education is and the benefits of receiving an education.
Important information and reminders:
- PE will be taking place on Tuesday. Please can children come to school wearing appropriate footwear. They will be getting changed at school into PE kits that have been provided by school.
- Books will be changed on a Monday for Mr Parkin’s class and Tuesday for Mrs Singh’s class each week, please ensure that your child has their book bag in school on this day. Your child will be given a ‘reading for pleasure’ book to take home and a phonics book suited to their level if they continue to access phonics. Also, please make sure to sign your child's reading record each time you read with them!
Key dates for Autumn term
- 25th October – last day of Autumn 1 half term.
- 4th November – first day of Autumn 2 half term
- 15th November – Children in Need
- 22nd November – PD day
- 25th November – PD day
- 4th December – KS2 Christmas lunch
- 11th December – Y3/4 Christmas performance
- 18th December – Christmas fair
- 20th December – Last day of Autumn 2 half term