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Bellatrix (Year 5)

Welcome to Bellatrix!

Teacher: Mr Curtis

Teaching Assistants: Mrs King & Miss McConnell



Contact number: 01642 453451

Please be aware staff may contact outside of teaching hours.


Welcome to Bellatrix class page where we will share all our wonderful learning and achievements with you. Throughout Year 5, we will cover a wide range of exciting topics. In the autumn term, we will delve into the past by researching Ancient Egypt during our topic 'Pharaohs'. Our topic in the spring term will be 'Sow, grow and farm'. During spring term, we will look at contrasting climates and the effects on trade, whilst also researching the Ancient Maya. Our summer term topic is out of this world, as we explore the topic 'Stargazers'. 


Our Learning

Below is a snapshot of some of the learning Bellatrix have completed during year 5.

Autumn Learning 

Spring Learning

Summer Learning

English - This term, Bellatrix's writing will be linked to our topic 'Stargazers'. Our first piece of writing will be a non-chronological report on 'Creatures of Pandora'. We will also be writing our very own set of instructions on how to survive an alien invasion! Furthermore, we will be writing a story and looking at different styles of poetry. 


Throughout the year we will continue to use Lexia, Reading plus and Accelerated reader to develop and support our reading and fluency skills. We will also be encouraging our children to 'read for pleasure' to support this we will have a weekly session in the school library for children to explore a variety of different texts and choose a book to take home to share, remember to bring your book back to school to change each week.


Maths - This term, we will be exploring properties of different shapes and how to plot co-ordinates. We will also be working with decimals and negative numbers. In addition, we will develop our measuring skills and look at converting between different units, comparing, estimating and problem solving. 


Throughout the year, children will use Times Table Rockstar's to continue to develop their times table knowledge. Children would greatly benefit if they continue to practice their times tables at home


Science - This term, children will learn about the impact of gravity on our lives and the effect of air resistance, water resistance and friction, which act between moving surfaces. Children will learn about the solar system and describe the movement of the sun, earth and moon and explain the day and night in relation to the earth's rotation. 


PE - This term, we will developing our cricket skills. We will refine our batting, bowling and fielding tactics and apply these to mini games. We will also be developing our badminton skills by learning how to do forehand and backhand shots, serving and how to create space to win a point.


History - This term, our topic focus is on geography and science. 


Geography - This term, children will identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (including day and night). Use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world. Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied


Music - In music, we will continue to practice our ukulele skills and focus on one song: Dancing In The Street by Martha And The Vandellas.


DT - Children will take part in ‘Fiver challenge’ where they will research existing products and use market research to inform the design of their own innovative product. During their topic of Stargazers, they will build innovative, functional, appealing, structures (model planets, rockets) that are fit for purpose and show evidence how products can be made stronger and more stable and use finishing techniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of their models.


Art - We will take inspiration from famous artists such as Peter Thorpe, who specialises in abstract art, and try to replicate a piece of their work. 


French - We will continue to develop our French skills as we understand that French verbs take different forms and that there is no possessive apostrophe in French. 


Computing - We will continue to use purple mash to support our learning, focusing this term on 3-D modelling, word processing and external devices.


PSHE - During PSHE the children will look at self recognition and self worth and what impact this has on us. We will also look at staying safe online and rights and responsibilities online. We will also consider our self and body image and how we might begin to notice changes in ourselves. 


RE -  In RE, we will cover the religion of Christianity, focusing on key questions - 'What do Christians believe about God? Why and how do Christians celebrate Pentecost? How do Christian groups differ in their expression of faith?


We Are A Rights Respecting School

We are currently on our journey towards achieving the Gold Rights Respecting Award. We explore our rights across all areas of our learning. This term we will focus on Article 32 – Protection from Harmful Work. Children have the right to be protected from doing work that is dangerous or bad for their education, health or development. If children work, they have the right to be safe and paid fairly.

Important Information & Reminders

  • PE will take place on a Monday. Children are now provided with their own PE kit but can children please ensure they attend school in appropriate footwear on PE days. 
  • Kidz Konnekt will take place on a Friday. Please can children dress appropriately for the weather as this will take place outside.
  • Children must wear their school uniform everyday and have a suitable coat for outdoor play. Please ensure you write your child's name inside their uniform, including coats and jumpers. 

Key dates

  • Sports week - 1st July
  • Transition -  8th July 
  • Literacy Festival 12th July
  • Summer family picnic - Thursday 18th July 
  • Last day of school year - Thursday 18th July