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Our 2 year old Nursery

Welcome to our 2 year old Nursery page!

Meet the Team...

Mrs Pfupa - Nursery Class Teacher

Mr White  - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Fox - Teaching Assistant


Staff are always on hand to speak to you about your child. Please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff if you have any queries big or small.

The two year old nursery provides an enriched learning environment, allowing us to follow a child led learning approach. The children take the lead in their learning, with staff being able to identify children’s interests and expand their learning opportunities based on their interests. Children have access to both our indoor and outdoor play and learning areas, whatever the weather.

Spring Term Learning

Have a look at some of our highlights from the Spring Term...


Welly Walk Wednesday

Every Wednesday our 2 year olds go and explore the wider school environment on a weekly welly walk. They put on their wellies and come rain or shine venture out into the great outdoors. This term we will be looking for signs of Summer.



Forest School

Every Monday, children in the 2 year old room access Forest School with Miss Cordingley. They have lots of fun planting seasonal flowers and vegetables, creating art work with natural materials and hunting for nature's treasures. 


Book and Breakfast

Our book. and breakfast has been a huge success. The children have loved inviting their parents and carers into school, share books and have a lovely breakfast treat. Watch this space for more events with parents.

Toilet Training

If you think your child is ready for toilet training, please speak to a member of the staff team and we will work together to put a plan in place for your child to be successful.



Please remember to provide your child with nappies, wipes, nappy bags and spare clothes if they are not yet toilet trained. Please bring these in a named bag each day.


As you can see, we spend a lot of time outdoors, we recommend providing your child with a pair of wellies they can keep in school.



It is not a requirement that children wear school uniform, however many of our children do. The children get VERY MESSY and so we advise that you do not send your children to school in their best clothes. We recommend leggings, sweatshirts, t-shirts and joggers as their clothes don't stay clean for long!